Tuesday, 9 February 2010

PET Scan

Never had a scan before I dont think so my parents came with me as it was in Leeds. I had to starve myself before the scan which I wasnt too happy about as I LOVE food! Got to the hospital and the scanner was in a big trailer outside lol. Went into the trailer and was injected with a radioactive liquid that would help show things up on the scan. It was painless although did feel a bit weird feeling the liquid go through my veins! I then had to lay down for about an hour to let the radioactive stuff work around my body. They put the radio on so it wasn't so boring but if I had thought on I would have brought some magazines!

Had to go and empty my bladder in a special toilet designated for people having PET scans only. Obviously they didnt want me mixing with people when I was radioactive. I was gutted I wasnt glowing green though lol!

For the scan i layed on a bed and was strapped in with my legs propped up. The bed then moved in and out of the doughnut shaped scanner and was over in about 30mins. Then off home and out for a friends birthday!

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