Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Biopsy, a lost bag & a bit of a breakdown

I was so nervous for the biopsy. I’d never really had an operation like that before and the thought of someone slicing my neck open made me feel sick. After the op I was in a little pain and found it uncomfortable to sleep with it affecting my neck but I tried to put the cancer to the back of my mind.

I returned home to Hartlepool for the Christmas holidays soon after and about 20mins after getting home I hit a pub with my friends. It was good to see everyone and I had told a few of them I thought I could have cancer so it was nice to be around people who knew I was probably feeling a bit down. On the way home I ended up losing my bag in a taxi which had practically my whole life in it. I was absolutely distraught, got in the house and then everything about the cancer came pouring out. My mam had to get out of bed at 1am to come and console me. Why me? I kept asking her. I don’t want to go bald I kept saying, what have I done to deserve this?

I decided to quit my job as I was going to have to go back to Huddersfield and be on my own and I didn't feel in any fit state to be alone. Luckily work were very understanding of the situation and wished me well whatever the outcome.

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