Tuesday, 9 February 2010

CT scan

I figured the CT scan would be similar to the PET scan. I knew I'd have to drink something first to outline my stomach and bowls.
Got to the hospital and was sat opposite a man who I overheard had prostate cancer. Again with the feeling of me being too young for cancer. I was given a jug of what looked like orange juice but it was some chemical concoction that was flavoured to taste like aniseed. Had to drink one glass every 15 mins. The first glass wasnt too bad but after a few more I realised why I was sat next to a sky high pile of puke bowls.
After 3 or 4 glasses I was called in to get changed into a gown. Then I had to go in for an injection. I thought this would be similar to the PET scan but I had to have a cannula thing put in my arm ready for an injection while in the scanner. WHAT>. Anyway, the lady tried twice to get it into my vein, failing once on one arm and then finally succeeding on the right arm. For some reason it was quite painful on both arms. Once the cannula was fitted I went into the scanner rooom.
Like the PET scan, I laid on a bed that was to move through a doughnut scanner. The cannula thing was then connected up to an injection pump and I had to lay with my arms above my head. The nurse warned me that when the injection went it I would feel warm and feel like I would need the toilet and feel like I was actually going to the toilet but really wouldnt be. WHAT! I wasnt expecting this! She said if the injection hurt when itr was going in I was to say so.
She left the room to start the scan and then they started putting the injection through. It was soooooo painful so I told them but they said it was going in fine so I had to suffer it. As soon as the pain was over though came the most disgusting feeling I have ever experienced. It really did feel like I was peeing myself. It was absolutely horrible and I am absolutely dreading another CT scan.

Also the next day...they failed to warn me I could react to the stuff I had to drink and have diarohhea. Lovely!

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