Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer diagnosis & Charity Fundraising

I was playing the waiting game again but I had uni to look forward too again. The next appointment to discuss the results came fairly quickly. As soon as I walked into the consultant’s room I knew it was bad news – they had put a chair next to the one I was to sit in so my mam could sit next to me. The consultant told me I had Hodgkin lymphoma and I was unconsolable. I couldn’t believe it. Cancer only happens to other people. They kept telling me that it was the better of the 2(Hodgkin and non-hodgkin), the curable one and that I had to stay positive but at the end of the day I had cancer, I was going to have to have chemotherapy, I was going to lose my hair nothing they would say could make me feel any better.

Had a quick chat to a lady who worked in the haemotology deparentment and knew more about the cancer. She gave me a booklet about hodgkins lymphoma to take home and read and I was booked an appointment for the next week to see a Haemotology doctor.

Went back to my student house and my parents left for home after a shortwhile. Went upstairs and cried to myself to let it all out. Came back down and we all ordered a takeaway. I was begginnig to feel a little better.

Within a few hours I had made the decision to shave my hair off before I lost it to the chemo. I set up a justgiving online donation site and the boys said they would shave their hair off and wax their legs so I didn’t have to go through it alone. I set an initial target of £200 and genuinely thought I would struggle to get that but within a few hours I had smashed the target and had to raise it. As I am writing this on February 5th the total stands at £1,615. AMAZING! I figured there are people who wont be as luckily as I hopefully will be and so I wanted to do something for charity.


  1. Thats amazing you thought about fundraising so soon after being diagnoised...what's the justgiveing website address?

  2. Hello, it's www.justgiving.com/Lauren-Phillipson :)
