A week or so after the biopsy my mam called the consultants secretary and she said I would possibly have to have another biopsy because there was inflammation or something like that. I didn’t know whether this was good news but I thought surely if it was cancer it would have shown up so was beginning to feel a little better about the situation. I was booked in to see the consultant on new years eve.
It turned out that my first biopsy came back as normal but he didn’t want to rule the cancer out so he put me in for another biopsy, a bigger one on the 5th January. He was going to go deeper into my neck and take a bigger piece out so I would have to have a drain put in and be kept in overnight. I was so angry! My scar from the last biopsy was just beginning to look ok, I’d barely just took the steri strips off it and now they were wanting to do another biopsy. Why did the result come back as normal? Not only that but I had to go all the way to Halifax for the operation and I was back living in Hartlepoolat the time.
The second biopsy wasn’t as nice as the first, they reopened my scar but made the incision longer (and slighltly wonky lol), it was hard to sleep lying down cos as soon as I’d lay my head down it would be painful on my neck to lift it up again. My incision ended up getting infected which meant it kept leaking and a trip to A&E, lovely!
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