Friday, 5 March 2010

Having my hair shaved off for charity & going in the newspaper.

Last Friday (26th Feb) I finally got my hair shaved off! I'd said the day I realised I was going to have to come home from uni that I would shave my hair hair off to raise money for charity. I picked the Lymphoma Association as they provide advice and support to people suffering from lymphoma and their family and friends. They were probably the first place I turned too when I was diagnosed with Hodgkins.

On the tuesday a reporter and photographer from the Hartlepool mail came around to take my story for a feature in the newspaper. The next day I was on the front page of the Hartlepool Mail with a big photo and huge headline. I certainly wasnt expecting to be on the front page and it was a bit of a shock!

So I went down to my dad's cousins salon on the Friday where there was another photographer from the mail and a reporter. I was soooooooo nervous. Never ever ever thought I'd shave my hair off willingly one day! My family and friends came down to watch and I can't describe how weird an experience it was. I almost felt like I'd lost a limb and couldnt bring myself to touch my shaven head it was that strange. Apparantly the look suited me though LOL. It was a very emotional day but no tears thank god, how I kept them in I dont know.

I just hope in doing so I have helped to raise awareness of Hodgkins Lymphoma as well as raising money for the charity. That was my main aim of getting it in the paper so I just hope it's worked.

I then featured in the paper again the following tuesday with a picture of my baldy head on the front page :)

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