Don't think I'm experiencing any hair loss yet altho if i do tug at my hair enough a strand will come out but im sure thats just normal shedding of the hair.
Just fed up of being a skinhead. Makes me feel ugly and not feminine in the slightest and I know I'm just waiting for the little hair I've got to fall out.
Sick of people commenting on my wig and saying things like "oooh i wish my hair looked as good as that" or "eee it must be so easy not having to style your hair". They just don't understand what it's like. I'd give anything to have to spend an hour trying to style unruly hair on an extremely bad hair day. I'd give anything to have some hair to style.
I want to looks like this again:

Not the blatant wig wearer I am here:

Blood test tomorrow before chemo on Thursday. Have a feeling the result isn't going to be good. Sigh.
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